The Pikes Peak Gold Bands

Who are we? – The Pikes Peak Gold Band (traditional instrumentation) and Swingmasters Jazz Band (traditional jazz instrumentation) are two adult community bands that are presently active in Colorado Springs, Colorado. We provide a destination for adult musicians to make music, friendships, and inflame their passion of music! The two bands are under the direction of Raymond Bell. Enrollment is open to any adult (18+) instrumentalists with band experience; at least through High School level. Check out the Our PPIOM Bands for more details!

Where do we practice? We want to extend a huge thank you to the Springs First Church by providing the bands the use of their church for band rehearsals, a place to store our music literature library, and a home for our percussion! Located at 4120 E Fountain Blvd Colorado Springs, CO 80916

Rehearsals are every Tuesday and Thursday mornings for both bands during the fall and spring seasons.

How to Join the Band

New members are always welcome! We do not require an audition to join the band with the exception of the Swingmasters jazz band. Minimum requirement is high school level experience on your instrument to play in PPIOM (even if it was twenty years ago!). Apply online at Registrations for PPIOM

View our Monthly Calendar to stay up-to-date on current rehearsals, concert dates, and seasonal events.

*We are currently accepting applications for our 2025 Spring Season that begins in February*